

Squid Sense is a Growth Automation Platform. It builds intelligence on top of your native analytics data to send you insights that can help you accelerate business growth. A default Google Analytics dashboard has 200 reports, but interpreting these reports and carving insights from the data is outside the reach of a common businessman. Squid Sense sends notifications to alert webmaster/business owners about a trend in their Google Analytics data. Webmasters can use the insight and make changes on the website/app accordingly and get more traction online. Squid Sense uses Machine Learning to train the system on user behavior based on the new content being uploaded to site. It then uses artificial intelligence to predict the performance of new content that is planned for growth.

Product Offering

Squid Sense is a platform that enables businesses to automate their growth by using artificial intelligence on top of Web Analytics data.

How it works?

  • It analyzes the current state of the website or mobile app and suggests a list of issues that are affecting your digital presence
  • It provides solutions on how to remediate the issues
  • It further analyzes the web/app analytics data on an ongoing basis, and send you notifications on improvement opportunities. This process uses an algorithm in combination with artificial intelligence that can detect the behaviour patterns of the visitor and predict if it’s a positive or negative
  • The system also uses machine learning to learn user experience over time, and send personalized recommendations on how it can be improved, resulting in more business opportunities


  • Founders: Mr. Krinal Mehta
  • Development Team: 2 Engineers


  • Has been selected for funding of Rs. 20 lack from Government of Gujarat

How LEAF Incubator has helped

  • Forwarded the nomination for Startup Canada scheme, where he would visit several US and Canadian organizations and get a chance to present his prototype and business ideas to local businesses.
  • Currently mentoring them on strategic business, legal aspects, organizational structuring, prototype development and various vendor development programmes.